
Daylight Saving Time and Other Ridiculous Things My Doctor Told Me About

I went to the doctor Friday, and I was livid when I left. I keep prefacing everything I write here with a disclaimer saying I am not a medical professional, and you should take what I say as simply my experience and what’s working for me, and to check with your doctor before making any…

To Meat or Not to Meat

That is the question. I’ve been making some health related changes in the past few months, and many times it has occurred to me that I should be blogging about all this. I finally got some information Friday that pushed me to start posting. So, in a way, I’m starting at the end. Well…I’m not…

I’m Magical

This word has never been a huge part of my vocabulary, but for some reason, The Universe has been bringing it to my attention this week.  A few days ago I had a supervisor at work tell me I’m magical. Yes, that’s nice and all.  It’s less nice when you hear the full context.  “I know…

Nobody God Loves More

I wrote a couple days ago about how I think my dogs are perfect. Tonight I was having one of these adoring chats with my Daisy about how precious her little nose and her soft ears are, and I realized, I don’t just think my dogs are perfect.  I think every dog is perfect.  Every dog I…


I think my dogs are perfect.  I truly do.  Sometimes I look at them and my heart is so completely full of love for them that I think I’ll burst.  I adore them so completely, there is no way I could possibly love them more.  I tell them daily how wonderful they are and how…