
I don’t like my job, and I don’t think I’m gonna go anymore.

When I started this blog, I went back and forth in my mind over whether to make it anonymous, thus allowing me to be brutally honest about anything and everything happening in my life, or whether to attach my real name and identifying details, and therefore have to be a bit more careful about what…

Mani Monday: Some Bargains and Where I Found Them

I’ve gotten way behind on my Mani Monday posts, so once again we’re doing several manicures at once.  Let’s start with this past week.  I wore Zoya Azalea, which I found half price at my local Ulta.  Ulta is hit or miss for bargains on polishes.  I either totally score, or I walk away with…

On Why I Like Most Cats Better than I Like Most People

I haven’t been posting much lately, because my life has just been unbelievably hard for an unbelievably long time.  Every time I sit down thinking I’ll post about my manicure or some other deep thoughts, I just don’t have the strength.  But yesterday things took a definitive turn for the better in a variety of…

People at Walmart are A$$holes

These aren’t my words.  I would be much more likely to say, “All of the stupid people in Columbia are at Walmart today.”  As they often are. I haven’t done an “Overheard at Walmart” post in a while.  I suppose this one might not truly qualify, as it wasn’t overheard.  It was said directly to…

Mani Mondays: Catching Up

It’s been weeks since I’ve posted a Mani Monday, and I have a lot to say about the polishes I’ve been wearing lately.  Some good, some bad, some…no.  Just no. Let’s start with a springy mint green with a wintery name,  OPI My Dogsled is a Hybrid.  I snapped a picture of this one when Olivia…

PJF Trail 201

I had set the goal last week to finally hit 200 miles on my Peaceful Joyful Free Trail journey, and I did it!  201 to be exact.  This was helped along tremendously by one beautiful day when I decided to explore a new (to me) section of the Katy trail, and I ended up walking…

Semantics and Bunnies

I’m still here!  I’m still walking!  I’m still painting my nails!  I’m just not posting about it much, sadly.  Work has gotten insanely busy.  I’ve been tired when I’m off, and I’m slacking on my blogging.  I decided that needed to end tonight, even if it meant posting at 11:00. My little ticker over there…

My Fifteen Year-old Self

I love Oprah Winfrey.  Most people either love her or hate her.  There’s no in between.  I’m firmly on the side of loving her.  I subscribe to her magazine, and I watch several shows on OWN, her television channel.  Super Soul Sunday is one of my favorite shows. I read books she recommends. (Well, most…

Mani Monday: Orange You Glad You Didn’t Buy This Polish?

This week’s manicure is a color I recently found at Marshall’s.  I’ve found a lot of great nail polishes at Marshall’s lately, and you can’t beat their prices.  Sometimes they keep polish back in the beauty section, but I find it most often near the checkouts.  You have to dig through a bin, but often there are…

Don’t Look Back. You’re Not Going That Way.

I just had a brilliant epiphany.  I keep looking backward in my life trying to make sense of current situations, and wondering what I should do moving forward.  The thought came into my head suddenly just now that I need to stop looking to situations, people, and relics from the past trying to figure out…