
Mani Monday: I don’t really have a gecko.

I haven’t done a Mani Monday post in forever, and it’s a shame, because nail polish brings me so much joy.  I decided to remedy that travesty today.

OPI: My Gecko Does Tricks
OPI: My Gecko Does Tricks.  Why do I always take my nail polish pictures in my car?  I think it’s the lighting.  Don’t worry, I do it only when stopped!

I did my nails this green shade for St. Patrick’s Day.  I have a grand total of two green nail polishes in my collection, and I specifically bought this one thinking, “Eh, whatever, I could wear it on St. Patrick’s Day.”  Green isn’t my favorite polish shade, by far.

I’m not in love with the color or the formula or the finish on this one.  (Which may have you asking, “Why, then, are you posting about it?”  Just wait!)  It’s more yellowish than the pic shows.  It’s a frost.  I mean, does anybody even use that word anymore?  Frost?  That’s the only way to describe the finish though.  It shows brush strokes big time, and it really has an 80’s kind of finish that isn’t in style anymore.  It took three coats for me to get good enough coverage.

But you guys!  I’m telling you, I did my nails Saturday, and I took this picture Wednesday.  NO TOUCH UPS.  I did not touch them up until the following Saturday!  I never, NEVER get this kind of wear from my polish.  Normally I would totally have touched up a couple times by Wednesday, and by a week out, I can’t stand it and I’m changing my polish.

I’m not sure if it’s this polish, or other factors that caused this amazing wear.  I used my Zoya Get Even Ridge Filling Base Coat, three coats of this polish, then Essie Gel Setter top coat.  My top coat is getting seriously thick, and I’m investigating whether you can even thin this stuff.  (Does anybody know?  Share your info!)  But now I’m wondering if that’s what caused my super long lasting manicure?  I’m planning to try the same base and top coat on my next one, with a different polish, and I’ll let you know.