
Thank You Dad

October 13 is a very important date in my life.  In recent years it’s become more significant because it’s the anniversary of my mom’s death.  But for 71 years it’s been my dad’s birthday.  I felt like this year I should take the day back from sadness to celebration.

Sense of humor? Silliness and shenanigans? Don’t care if we look foolish? Check.

Most people who know me and my family would agree that there is a lot of my mom in me.  There’s a lot of my dad in there too, and I’m grateful for the many gifts he’s given me.

There’s that tiny notch in my ear that differentiates him from his twin brother and marks me as his daughter.  There’s the time my garage door broke, and I pulled out a ladder and got in there and fixed it.  By myself.  That’s a dad thing.

And the sunroof on my car.  It stopped closing recently.  (First world problem, for sure.)  I considered driving straight to the dealership, but instead I climbed up there, took a good look, got a screwdriver, and fixed the problem.  Got that from my dad.

For the most part, I get along with everybody.  Even people who make it nearly impossible to get along with them.  That’s my dad in there.  And it’s a quality that’s served me well in my career and throughout my life.

Not giving up when the going gets tough.  That’s from Dad.

That part of me that owns a house (or two, when the situation warrants it) and works hard to make it a home came from my dad.  Mowing the yard, tearing out broken stuff, putting something more beautiful in it’s place.  Dad taught me that.

Carrying a 40 pound bag of dog food to my shopping cart, putting it in the trunk, lifting it out of the car and carrying it into the house?  Those muscles came from my dad.

A savings account, health insurance, and a reliable vehicle?  Learned the importance of those things from Dad.

I love to read, and that’s evident in my mom’s family, but my dad actually reads a lot too.  I have them both to thank for passing that along.

My love for my country and respect for the military and all they do, that’s from Dad.  Loyalty, sometimes beyond the point where it makes sense.  Got that from him.

Stability, security, working today to make a better future for myself?  I got that from Dad.  I’m grateful for that quality every time Present Janet realizes that Past Janet did something that Future Janet would appreciate.  I love it when that happens.

And I love you, Dad.  Today, and every day.  Thank you for all the many gifts you have given me.  Happy birthday.

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