
Mani Monday: OPI Infinite Shine Tips and Tricks

OPI Infinite Shine Relentless Ruby

How do you know Janet’s feeling better?  She paints her nails red!

One of my friends and colleagues (who is also a nail polish hoarder fan) sent me a lovely get well present.  I was really hoping it was polish, and it was!  It’s OPI Infinite Shine in the shade Relentless Ruby.

Now, I have not  been a fan of Infinite Shine.  I have a terrible time getting polish of any kind to stay on my nails.  It’s the main reason I wore acrylics for so long.  I was so excited and hopeful when OPI came out with this formula, and I was sadly disappointed.  I only bought one shade, plus the base and top coats, and I tried them maybe twice.  It actually wore worse  for me than regular polish.

However…I got some tips from Amy at Nailpolish BabyyNinety and I was interested to try them out.  This new bottle of red was a perfect opportunity.

First, she suggested using a coat of OPI Chip Skip on the bare nail.  I have this, but it never occurred to me to try it, since the Infinite Shine system has it’s own base coat.  But, can’t hurt, might help!

Second, and this is huge, she said the top coat cures with UV light.  So you have to use it in the day time.  Ummm…did you know this?  I did not know this.  They don’t tell you this.  Guess who always does her nails at night?  This girl!  So, this time, I used the Chip Skip, and I did my nails in broad daylight on a bright sunny day.  I even waved my hands in a sunny window for good measure.

And the verdict?  Well, I snapped that photo at the start of day three!  And you can just barely see a teeny tiny chip on the tip of the index finger.  By afternoon that day I had some minor tip wear all around and did a touch up.

To be fair, I’ve been home recovering and doing basically nothing.  That may have been a factor in my better experience with the formula this time around.  But all in all, I’m very pleased, and I may even get a few more shades to try out.

Have you tried this system?  How did it work for you?