
Nobody God Loves More

Those ears though!
Those ears though!

I wrote a couple days ago about how I think my dogs are perfect.

Tonight I was having one of these adoring chats with my Daisy about how precious her little nose and her soft ears are, and I realized, I don’t just think my dogs are perfect.  I think every dog is perfect.  Every dog I see riding in a car passing by, being walked down the street, sniffing around someone’s yard, browsing the aisles in Petsmart, smiling out from your Facebook posts.  They’re all perfect.

Suddenly the thought hit me, if every dog is perfect, does it follow that every person is perfect?!

I have a friend who shared once that if someone is annoying her, cutting her off in traffic, being obnoxious at work, she reminds herself, “There is nobody God loves more than that guy.”  Seriously.

I kind of hate that this thought was planted in my head.  Because I still get really annoyed at bad drivers (and people at work).  But now the thought will pop into my mind, “There’s nobody God loves more than that guy,” and suddenly I feel horribly guilty for being ticked off at this person.

That person is as worthy of love as I am.  No more, no less.  God loves him every bit as much as he loves me.  Which is probably more than I love my dogs.  Because that annoyingly bad driver is actually perfect.

This is too much.  I have to go pet my dogs now.

2 thoughts on “Nobody God Loves More

  1. I love my dogs like crazy as well. Sometimes they are better than my children, they just like to eat poop and fart in front of the fan.

    1. Yes, and I love my dogs despite all the disgusting things they do! I just need to find a man I can love as unconditionally. 🙂

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